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Prospective patients often email or call North Hudson IVF and say that they “want IUI, not IVF.” These patients see IVF as more serious, less natural and more invasive. IUI is widely used to treat infertility diagnoses, other than bilateral tubal obstruction, severe ovulation defects and severe male factor infertility. However, New Jersey fertility specialist, Jane Miller, M.D., explains to her patients that birth rates for good prognosis couples are actually better without treatment.

There are times when IUI can help patients conceive

Although not every patient needs IUI, there are times when this fertility treatment can be helpful. One situation is mild male factor infertility, which includes decreased progressive motility and a low sperm concentration. In this situation, the “good” sperm can be concentrated. Then, the sperm can be placed, via catheter, high in the uterine cavity so they can be near the fallopian tubes, where fertilization occurs.

Another time when IUI can be helpful is when a woman’s cervical mucus is thick, scanty or hostile. IUI can help bypass this roadblock to get sperm to the egg and facilitate fertilization. IUI may also be helpful if the male partner is unable to perform sexually, and it is also appropriate if thawed frozen donor sperm is to be used.

In stimulated IUI cycles, pregnancy rates average 7-8% with Clomiphene Citrate and 12% with injectable gonadotropins. Higher pregnancy rates can be seen with aggressive ovarian stimulation(as is done with IVF), but this treatment is associated with a significant rate of high-order (>2) multiple births and a risk of ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome.

Our New Jersey fertility specialist, Dr. Jane Miller, wants her patients to understand that IUI is not the “default treatment” if an IVF cycle is cancelled due to a poor response to stimulation (low number of follicles). This is especially true if IVF has been recommended because the woman has had endometriosis or pelvic surgeries, including laparoscopy/laparotomy for ovarian cystectomy, lysis of pelvic adhesions or fibroid excision (myomectomy).

Sometimes, IVF is the best fertility option for patients

IVF tends to be more effective than IUI for couples with a worse fertility prognosis. At North Hudson IVF, once a couple’s testing has been completed, the couple meets with Dr. Jane Miller for a treatment consult. At this meeting, our New Jersey fertility specialist reviews the testing and history to explain a patient’s probability of success with each treatment. Once empowered, patients are then able to make educated choices as to how to proceed to have a baby.

If you would like more information about fertility treatments at North Hudson IVF, please contact us. Dr. Jane Miller uses her experience and compassion to help patients become parents.